Journalistic Integrity, Computational Speed.

Technology that connects the dots, generating novel insights that capture complex industry-specific nuances.

Live Data Record

A network of AI agents, connected to vetted data sources, continuously gathers, validates, and structures data in real-time to create a novel perspective of real-world events across industries.

Historical Context

A dynamic system analyzes the live data record to identify past patterns, hidden relationships, and contextual insights, ready to provide explanations when new events are detected.

Journalistic Intelligence

The AI engine, trained with the insights of experienced journalists, flags noteworthy new signals, retrieves relevant context, generates real-time analysis, and performs programmatic validation before distributing information.

AppliedXL Technology
Early Risk
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Novo Nordisk Faces Major Delay in Phase 3 GLP-1 Trial

The clinical study has been delayed by seven months, potentially impacting the drug's market timeline. Additionally, three other companies running late-stage GLP-1 obesity trials have faced delays due to patient enrollment challenges.

Sources:, scientific publications, company announcements, federal data
Early Risk
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USTC Investigates Eli Lilly Complaint Over Tirzepatide Product Violations

The complaint targets biotech companies for trademark violations and the possible sale of counterfeit products, with potential exclusion orders affecting smaller competitors, unregulated markets, and the pharmaceutical supply chain.

Sources:, scientific publications, company announcements, federal data
Early Risk
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Celgene Halts Early-Stage Study for Refractory Multiple Myeloma Patients

This was Celgene’s only trial for the research drug CC-99712, a BCMA antibody-drug conjugate. The trial was terminated due to slow accrual, with registered enrollment decreasing by 70%, from 160 to 47 patients across sites in Texas, New York, and California.

Sources:, scientific publications, company announcements, federal data
Early Risk
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AMAG Pharmaceuticals’ MAKENA Loses FDA Approval After Failing Postmarket Trials

MAKENA failed to confirm clinical benefits in reducing neonatal morbidity and mortality from preterm birth complications in a postmarketing trial required after its accelerated approval. Key players like ObsEva and GlaxoSmithKline are also targeting premature birth, with GSK recently halting a late-stage trial due to a strategic shift.

Sources:, scientific publications, company announcements, federal data

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